Master of Arts, Creative Writing, Ball State University (Muncie, IN). 2015.
Thesis: "Crashing Cars." Creative Non-Fiction
Master of Library Science, Indiana University (Indianapolis, IN), 2013.
Bachelor of Arts, English, University of Texas-Pan American (Edinburg, TX), 2008.
Minor: Theater Performance
Teaching Experience
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Ball State University, Spring 2015
Courses Taught
English 104 - Composing Research, 2 sections
Course description: Applies the fundamentals of rhetoric to the research process: methods of research; the rhetorical nature of research; elements, strategies, and conventions common to research writing, including multi-modal presentations of new knowledge.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Ball State University, Spring 2014-Fall 2014
Courses Taught
English 103 – Rhetoric and Writing, 2 sections
Course description: Introduces and develops understanding of principles of rhetoric; basic research methods; elements, strategies, and conventions of persuasion used in constructing written and multi-modal texts.
Writing Center Tutor, Ball State University, Fall 2013
Teacher: Jobs For America’s Graduates, Blackford High School (Hartford City, IN), 2010-2011
10th and 11th grade vocational guidance and leadership training.
Teacher: 9th Grade English and Reading, Jones High School (Houston, TX), 2008-2009
Teaching Internship, Ball State University, Fall 2013
Mentor: Angela Jackson-Brown
School Media Intern, Yorktown Community Schools, Spring 2013
Supervisor: Mary Watkins
Researched technology integration for emerging literacy, teaching with Rinky Dinky Rhyme Book iPad app. (link)
Compiled cross-curriculum, K-12 teaching materials on educational blog celebrating Dr. Seuss. (link)
Assisted in general collections development, library planning, and community engagement.
Writing Your Statement of Purpose, Tutor. The Writing Center at Ball State University, Fall 2014
Web Research: Analyzing the Credibility of Web Resources, Workshop Leader. 12th Grade. Yorktown High School, Spring 2013
Academic Service
Graduate Student Advisory Board, Constitutional Committee, Co-Chair, August 2014 - May 2015
Graduate Student Advisory Board, Secretary, August 2014 - May 2015
Graduate Research Assistant, Ball State University, Summer 2014
Assistant to Dr. Adam Beach
Updated, organized, and maintained English department's social media accounts, email accounts, and updated and wrote material for departmental blog. Edited departmental newsletter.
Visiting Writer Series, Presenter, Introduction of Kathleen Rooney, November 20, 2013
Practical Criticism Midwest, Abstract Assessment, December 2013
Editing Experience
English Department Annual Newsletter, Summer 2014
M Magazine, Twenty Under Forty, Profile: Colby Gray, Fall 2015
M Magazine, Twenty Under Forty, Profile: Gavin Greene, Fall 2015
M Magazine, Twenty Under Forty, Profile: Amelia Clark, Fall 2015
M Magazine, Twenty Under Forty, Profile: Naomi Cusick, Fall 2015
The Broken Plate, Where the Demons Live, Non-Fiction, Spring 2015
M Magazine, Behind the Scenes at the Civic, photography, Spring 2014 (link)
M Magazine, Profile: First Merchants Bank President Karen Karmolinski, Winter 2013 (link)
M Magazine, Downtown, Winter 2013 (link)
M Magazine, Twenty Under Forty, Profile: Jennifer Bott, Fall 2013 (link)
M Magazine, Twenty Under Forty, Profile: Jaime Faulkner, Fall 2013 (link)
M Magazine, Twenty Under Forty, Profile: Jennifer Feick, Fall 2013 (link)
M Magazine, Twenty Under Forty, Profile: Christy Tunnell, Fall 2013 (link)
M Magazine, Twenty Under Forty, Profile: Laura Windsor, Fall 2013 (link)
The Chamber of Commerce, The Art of Business, August 2013
The Chamber of Commerce, Ontario Systems business profile, August 2013
The Star Press, YHS teams up with Muncie Mission to recycle, April 2013 (link)
Graduate Thesis Reading, Creative Non-Fiction, Crashing Cars, May 2015
Practical Criticism Midwest, Break-out Session, Flash Non-Fiction, This is Really It, February 2014
Collaborative Entertainment Immersion (CEI), Featured Short Screenplay, Exits, Spring 2014
Honors and Awards
Juliann V. Nilson Scholarship, awarded to an outstanding library science graduate student at Indiana Unviersity-Purdue University Indianapolis (Spring 2013)